A Taste to Remember
Beyond any doubt, truffles are gastronomical jewels. Their star status amongst the mushrooms they first of all owe to their unique, exquisite taste and aroma and the fact that they are so rare and difficult to collect. Also do not forget, throughout the recorded history, truffles have been treasured as a potent aphrodisiac!
In order to preserve the natural cycles and truffle habitat, it is necessary to conscientiously and responsibly handle the sites of this treasure and allow the undisturbed and sustainable continuation of mycorrhization. The Mirna river valley is the biggest site of Istrian white truffle. Truffles could be found under leaves, sometimes up to half a meter under the ground surface or in root systems of certain kinds of host trees. The most common are oak, beech, hazelnut, willow, poplar and hornbeam trees.
Istrian white truffle is one of the most highly prized truffles in the world. In recent times also the black truffle has become more attractive to the gourmands and good food lovers.

White Truffle

White truffle has a spherical, often flattened form, light yellow or sometimes ochre color and has a very intensive and specific aroma. The white truffle season starts in the late summer and lasts until the beginning of heavy winter. The largest sites are in diverse forested environments, most often at the base of oak, willow or poplar trees. In order for it to grow, it is important that the soil moisture is right as well as the microclimate. In Istria, the most common white truffle is the most highly prized variety, Tuber magnatum Pico.
Black Truffle

Very uneven on the surfaces, sometimes divided in slices, of a deep black color, the surface of black truffle somewhat reminds of a dog’s nose. It has specific rough rind with small canals carved into it. Black truffle is collected trough out winter, particularly in the first few months of the year, at the base of oaks, hazelnut and hornbeam trees. The most known varieties are Tuber melanosporum Vittadini, fresh winter truffle available from the second half of November through March and fresh summer truffle, Tuber aestivum Vittadini, in season through summer months.